A Perfect Match

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, decluttering, Getting organized

As a professional organizer, I practice what I preach.  That means that between my work for and with clients of Personal Money Manager™, I am always looking for ways to streamline and declutter my own work and living spaces. I’ve lived in my house for 38 years.  And while I keep clutter within bounds, believe me when I say there …

What ARE the first signs of Spring -- tax documents arriving in the mail?

First Signs of Spring

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Organize my finances, Tax Organizing

It may seem early to be looking for signs of Spring . . .but Personal Money Manager™ has already made a siting: First at a client’s home, and later in my own mailbox–the first TY2024 tax documents have arrived! Maybe not as lovely as a crocus in bloom, the arrival of the first tax document has a special meaning for …

As with side dishes in a well-prepared meal, side letters can add a solution to loose ends not addressed in a well-crafted will.

Side Letters (Beyond the Will Part 2)

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Estate Planning, Possessions, Working with Seniors

Way back when (July 2022 to be exact), I wrote a blog / newsletter “Beyond the Will”.  I called it “Part 1”, knowing that there was a lot more to say than I could include there.  I planned to write a “Part II” including even more estate planning tasks that Personal Money Manager™ does with older adult clients.   For …

What are the misconceptions that part of the public have about Daily Money Managers, and what are the facts?

4 Myth-Conceptions About Daily Money Managers

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Owner's Manual, paper organizing, Working with Seniors

When it comes to my profession–daily money manager–there are several myths* (or, rather, myth-conceptions) ripe for busting. Unfortunately, these misunderstandings sometimes confuse colleagues, clients, and their families. And might stand in the way of their reaching out for assistance from a daily money manager. Let’s set the record straight on 4 misconceptions I encounter: 1) DMMs are money managers. The …

To illustrate a reporter's "scoop"

Here’s the Scoop: Becoming a Financial Organizer

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Financial Organizing, Paperwork Organizing, Working with Clients

From reporter to financial organizer / daily money manager Before starting Personal Money Manager™  I learned two important lessons from an earlier career as a writer and reporter.  First, shut up and listen!  If I didn’t have the “who, what, when, where, and why” plus a few good quotes by interview’s end, I was sunk. No story, no scoop. Second lesson:  …

6 Signs That You're a Daily Money Manager

6 Signs That You’re a Daily Money Manager

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Paperwork Organizing

I’m Karen R. Caccavo, and I’m a Daily Money Manager (also called a financial organizer).  I woke up recently with an earworm that I couldn’t shake.  What was the tune stuck in my head?  Aha!  It was the music on hold for E*Trade!  After all, the day before, it was my soundtrack for 45 minutes while waiting for a live …

As a financial organizer, I keep both the big picture and the details in focus at all times. It's a balancing act.

The Big Picture and the Details

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Financial Organizing, Important Documents, Paperwork Organizing, Working with Clients

As a financial organizer / daily money manager, I keep both the big picture and the details in focus at all times.  It’s a balancing act that’s essential to doing the job well. In a typical month-end client visit, I and my client open and review the bank statement. Using this as a jumping-off point, here’s how I zoom in …

As a financial organizer, my objective is to bring more ease and order to my clients' lives.

Sometimes It’s the Little Things That Make a Difference

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Financial Organizing, Living Independently, Working with Seniors

As financial organizer / daily money manager, my objective is to bring more ease and order — to make a difference — in my clients’ lives. I achieve this in a variety of ways. Where do I start? I often start by tackling the big issues that are making life difficult for a client.  Erratic bill-paying? I create a system …

Assistance from a daily money manager can help seniors remain independent as they age.

What is a Daily Money Manager … and Why You Need to Know!

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Financial Organizing

Late payment notices, overdraft fees, missed deadlines, confusing medical bills–you don’t have to be a senior to encounter these unwelcome surprises in your mailbox.  While keeping up with paperwork is something people of all ages must do, it can be especially overwhelming for seniors and the disabled.  A trusted family member or friend can help, but people often do not …

Daily Money Managers, Financial Organizers

Daily Money Managers: No Longer the Best-Kept Secret

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Financial Organizing, Paperwork Organizing

Daily Money Managers (and the important financial organizing work they do with clients) are in the news! In case you missed it, here’s a short roundup of what’s being said about DMMs with links to the complete articles. Last June, The Wall Street Journal quoted Personal Money ManagerSM in “When Aging Parents Need Help With Financial Tasks.” That article states: Daily …