Use a warm quilt for bundling up in cold weather; or by using extensions of successful procedures you've been using in earlier projects.

Bundle Up

Karen Caccavodecluttering, Life Lessons, Paperwork Organizing, Tax Organizing

A chill in the air makes us want to bundle up.  And not just with blankets and quilts (though I do love quilts!).    Bundling is a simple technique to start adopting a new habit.    At Personal Money Manager™ I’m often asked how to develop new routines and good organizing habits to avoid clutter build-up and the confusion it …

Taxes in the Rearview Mirror

Karen CaccavoFinancial Organizing, Tax Organizing

  Nearly one in eight American taxpayers file for a tax extension.  That’s about 19 million taxpayers.  Are you one of them?  If so, be sure to put October 17 on your calendar.  It’s your new tax day.  I also suggest you keep plugging away now (and perhaps reaching out for assistance from a financial organizer / personal money manager) …

Cash donation jar

It’s Not Too Late to CARE(S)

Karen CaccavoFinancial Organizing, Organize my finances, Tax Organizing

The CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) changed the tax benefit of charitable giving in a big way. For the first time, you do not have to itemize to get a partial deduction for cash contributions.  To encourage more charitable giving in 2020, single or joint filers could claim a $300 “above-the-line” write-off on their tax returns.  …

April 15th is the Usual Tax Return Deadline -- but not in 2020!

Tax Time Lessons Learned

Karen CaccavoOrganize my finances, Tax Organizing

In the middle of tax time in 2020 — my 13th tax season as a financial organizer / daily money manager — I find that working with a client to organize their tax documents and information can provide a great learning experience for both of us.* “Tax time?” you ask.  “Hasn’t that been put on hold?” Yes, but while July …

To minimize capital gains taxes on the sale of your house, you need to organize your paperwork.

After Selling Your Home, the Paperwork Begins

Karen CaccavoHome & Moving, Paperwork Organizing, Tax Organizing

You’ve sold your house, packed up, and the moving van is pulling out of the driveway – whew!  But the tax-related paperwork associated with selling your home has just begun. While it’s fresh in your mind, get a head start now on gathering the papers you’ll need for next year’s tax return.  No need to wait until April 15th! In …

Jump Into Your Taxes

Karen CaccavoTax Organizing

Ready to take the leap? Start with setting up a 2017 Taxes file. Yes, you read that right. Start on next year’s taxes now! (Of course, have a bin ready for your 2016 tax documents as they arrive. Put it right next to where you put arriving mail.) While it’s tempting to stop there, I urge you to soldier on! …