6 Signs That You're a Daily Money Manager

6 Signs That You’re a Daily Money Manager

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Paperwork Organizing

I’m Karen R. Caccavo, and I’m a Daily Money Manager (also called a financial organizer).  I woke up recently with an earworm that I couldn’t shake.  What was the tune stuck in my head?  Aha!  It was the music on hold for E*Trade!  After all, the day before, it was my soundtrack for 45 minutes while waiting for a live …

Being disorganized is expensive

Being Disorganized is Expensive!

Karen CaccavoGetting organized, Paperwork Organizing

Are you disorganized?  Have you considered investing in assistance from a financial organizer / daily money manager or another type of professional organizer?   When weighing the cost of professional services, be sure to put into the equation the cost of NOT getting the help you need. Being disorganized costs you BIG. Surprise!  Being disorganized carries a big price tag, in …