Family Treasures — or Just Trash?

Karen Caccavodecluttering, Preserving Memories

What to do with All That “Stuff” In my last blog, “Trash or Treasure?”, I told the story of a coin bank we found in my parents’ storage unit.  Its true identity remains frustratingly elusive. But it didn’t have to be that way — if we had only known it had existed and had asked my dad about it before …

Trash or Treasure? Downsizing a Lifetime of Stuff

Karen Caccavodecluttering, Memorabilia

My parents moved across the country several times over the years, with second homes along the way.  Each time they moved, they hauled not only the necessities, but also lots of “stuff,” which was … trash or treasure? One item left to us was a rusty and broken child’s bank in the shape of a bank building (see photo of …

Seeking Life’s Important Papers (Not the Ones You Might Think)

Karen CaccavoImportant Documents, Working with Clients

A fellow professional organizer brought me in to locate a client’s important papers during a whole-house packing and moving project. The client had bolted across the country (that’s the only way to explain the dirty dishes left in the sink) for a lucrative new position.  He was climbing the ladder in the financial industry at a speed that left him …

Daily Money Managers, Financial Organizers

Daily Money Managers: No Longer the Best-Kept Secret

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Financial Organizing, Paperwork Organizing

Daily Money Managers (and the important financial organizing work they do with clients) are in the news! In case you missed it, here’s a short roundup of what’s being said about DMMs with links to the complete articles. Last June, The Wall Street Journal quoted Personal Money ManagerSM in “When Aging Parents Need Help With Financial Tasks.” That article states: Daily …

sample generic credit cards

Managing Your Credit Cards Wisely

Karen CaccavoCredit Cards, Paperwork Organizing

My Amex card turns 40 this year. I got it when I was suddenly promoted from admin to manager and had clients to entertain and business travel to book. My Lord & Taylor and Bloomingdale’s credit cards were not going to do the job. I had gotten them to 1) start building a credit history, and 2) make me feel …

Credit Cards, track spending, manage your credit card accounts, debit cards

5 Ways to be Credit Card Savvy

Karen CaccavoCredit Cards, Paperwork Organizing

Remember when credit cards were for travel, not grocery shopping? Recall the days before debit cards? We are all using plastic more than ever—for both large and small purchases. And, so are scammers and fraudsters! About 31.8 million U.S. consumers had their credit cards breached in 2014. Last year, the number of U.S. data breaches tracked reached an all-time high …

Take Control of Your Desk! (Part 2)

Karen CaccavoPaperwork Organizing

Last time I shared some general ideas for organizing your desk: how to take a backhoe to the disaster area many call their paperwork “home.” Here, in Part 2, I want to dig down with ideas for the problem areas which might be getting in the way of being productive or denying you the satisfaction of having a clear workspace. …

Take Control of Your Desk! (Part 1)

Karen CaccavoPaperwork Organizing

If this is the year you are going to take control of your desk, I’m here to tell you it’s not too late. There is plenty of time to clear your desk and learn new habits to keep it that way. Here’s a plan to try: First, set up four or five bins. Buy cardboard sorting trays or use receptacles …

Jump Into Your Taxes

Karen CaccavoTax Organizing

Ready to take the leap? Start with setting up a 2017 Taxes file. Yes, you read that right. Start on next year’s taxes now! (Of course, have a bin ready for your 2016 tax documents as they arrive. Put it right next to where you put arriving mail.) While it’s tempting to stop there, I urge you to soldier on! …