A Perfect Match

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, decluttering, Getting organized

As a professional organizer, I practice what I preach.  That means that between my work for and with clients of Personal Money Manager™, I am always looking for ways to streamline and declutter my own work and living spaces. I’ve lived in my house for 38 years.  And while I keep clutter within bounds, believe me when I say there …

Sometimes images of things from our youth (like cars) bring back fond memories ("goodies").

Oldies But Goodies

Karen CaccavoGetting organized, Important Documents, paper organizing, Paperwork Organizing, Working with Clients

It’s a new year and so tempting to try new things.  I’m with you!  But sometimes, when it comes to paperwork organizing, we at Personal Money Manager™ find that the tried-and-true can be the way to get things done for our senior clients.   Here are some examples:   Three “Oldies but Goodies” to start the New Year;   1)  …

There are 1-2-3 flowerpots in this photo

As Easy as 1-2-3

Karen CaccavoGetting organized, paper organizing, Working with Clients, Working with Seniors

It’s a simple technique.  Even easy.  Maybe you learned it in kindergarten, or, from your Mom.  It’s a strategy that stands the test of time.  And works for me and my clients of all ages in my 16 years as Personal Money Manager™.  (And while I work exclusively with clients’ paperwork (no attics or garage organizing for me), this technique …

Karen was interviewed on the radio.

Karen on the Radio

Karen CaccavoGetting organized, paper organizing, Working with Clients, Working with Seniors

Did you hear me on the radio?  If not, press the “play” button above, and then read on . . . It was a treat to sit down with Mark Brownstein, Director of Medicare at Emerald Medicare.  He’s the voice behind “Medicare on the Air with Mark” from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. the first Friday of the month on WRCR …

Getting started early learning the basics of working with papers

Back to (Paper Organizing) Basics

Karen CaccavoGetting organized, paper organizing, Working with Clients, Working with Seniors

It’s that time of year.  Back to school for the kids and back to organizing basics for us grown-ups! Much of what I do as a financial organizer / daily money manager with or for senior clients is what I call “basics.”  Some are tasks they could do themselves IF they had the time, interest, attention, or bandwidth.  But that …

Being disorganized is expensive

Being Disorganized is Expensive!

Karen CaccavoGetting organized, Paperwork Organizing

Are you disorganized?  Have you considered investing in assistance from a financial organizer / daily money manager or another type of professional organizer?   When weighing the cost of professional services, be sure to put into the equation the cost of NOT getting the help you need. Being disorganized costs you BIG. Surprise!  Being disorganized carries a big price tag, in …

Financial paperwork is no laughing matter. People must get it done. But the best way to get it done is to have some fun doing it.

Financial Paperwork — Get it Done, With Belly Laughs

Karen CaccavoGetting organized, On the lighter side, Working with Clients

No question about it, the financial paperwork that accumulates on my clients’ desks and kitchen tables—from tax documents to medical bills—is no laughing matter.  It all has to be taken seriously. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t also have fun.  As a financial organizer, I get my best results by actively engaging clients in the process, and making the …