Ten Years of Putting Pen to Paper

Karen CaccavoLife Lessons

  Ten years ago, and six years into Personal Money Manager™, I put pen to paper, starting a blog and a newsletter, “Notes for Trusted Advisors.”   Creating content. Truthfully, I had been resistant to having a business newsletter, even a blog, From the Desk of Personal Money Manager™.  You see, my first job out of college and at several …

Taxes in the Rearview Mirror

Karen CaccavoFinancial Organizing, Tax Organizing

  Nearly one in eight American taxpayers file for a tax extension.  That’s about 19 million taxpayers.  Are you one of them?  If so, be sure to put October 17 on your calendar.  It’s your new tax day.  I also suggest you keep plugging away now (and perhaps reaching out for assistance from a financial organizer / personal money manager) …

There are 1-2-3 flowerpots in this photo

As Easy as 1-2-3

Karen CaccavoGetting organized, paper organizing, Working with Clients, Working with Seniors

It’s a simple technique.  Even easy.  Maybe you learned it in kindergarten, or, from your Mom.  It’s a strategy that stands the test of time.  And works for me and my clients of all ages in my 16 years as Personal Money Manager™.  (And while I work exclusively with clients’ paperwork (no attics or garage organizing for me), this technique …

Karen was interviewed on the radio.

Karen on the Radio

Karen CaccavoGetting organized, paper organizing, Working with Clients, Working with Seniors

Did you hear me on the radio?  If not, press the “play” button above, and then read on . . . It was a treat to sit down with Mark Brownstein, Director of Medicare at Emerald Medicare.  He’s the voice behind “Medicare on the Air with Mark” from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. the first Friday of the month on WRCR …

Getting started early learning the basics of working with papers

Back to (Paper Organizing) Basics

Karen CaccavoGetting organized, paper organizing, Working with Clients, Working with Seniors

It’s that time of year.  Back to school for the kids and back to organizing basics for us grown-ups! Much of what I do as a financial organizer / daily money manager with or for senior clients is what I call “basics.”  Some are tasks they could do themselves IF they had the time, interest, attention, or bandwidth.  But that …

Thinking about planning for the future

Beyond the Will — Part 1

Karen CaccavoFinancial Organizing, Important Documents, Organize my finances, Personal Owner's Manual, Working with Seniors

It’s challenging to get people to sit down and create a will (no surprise that over half the adult population is without one). Lack of time and focus, fear, even superstition get in the way. I am not an attorney:  I clearly leave will-writing (and all other legal work) to those professionals. As a financial organizer / daily money manager …

Springtime Paper-Organizing Timesavers

Karen CaccavoDoing Paperwork, Financial Organizing, Organize my finances, Working with Seniors

Want to make up for that lost Daylight Savings hour?  Here are four simple Personal Money Manager™ paper-organizing timesavers to the rescue! Choose one or more to keep papers under control.  Rest assured that all have been field-tested with my senior clients.  Some tips are “one and done” (like #1), while others take maintenance.  I encourage clients who are so …

Illustrates importance of the Owner's Manual for sharing important information with family members, executor and power of attorney

A Personal Owner’s Manual — When and Why

Karen CaccavoDoing Paperwork, Financial Organizing, Organize my finances, Owner's Manual, Personal Owner's Manual, Working with Seniors

What is an “Owner’s Manual” for a household? A few months ago, I wrote here about creating an Owners Manual with essential contacts, financial, and household information in one easy-to-access place.  So what do I mean by an Owner’s Manual?  Start by reading that short blog post. I create custom Owner’s Manuals for clients (and keep them up-to-date).  But whether …

"Moose" refers to Robert Bly's description of himself

Our Memories are Not in Our Things — They are Inside of Us

Karen Caccavodecluttering, Financial Organizing, Life Lessons, Memorabilia, Possessions, Preserving Memories, Working with Seniors

It’s not an easy lesson. And I learned it the hard way…. One spring evening in London, I went to hear Robert Bly recite his poetry.  He had won the National Book Award for Poetry in the US a few years earlier in 1967, yet the audience was small.  Afterwards, we all went to the local pub for a pint. …

Cash donation jar

It’s Not Too Late to CARE(S)

Karen CaccavoFinancial Organizing, Organize my finances, Tax Organizing

The CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) changed the tax benefit of charitable giving in a big way. For the first time, you do not have to itemize to get a partial deduction for cash contributions.  To encourage more charitable giving in 2020, single or joint filers could claim a $300 “above-the-line” write-off on their tax returns.  …