April 15th is the Usual Tax Return Deadline -- but not in 2020!

Tax Time Lessons Learned

Karen CaccavoOrganize my finances, Tax Organizing

In the middle of tax time in 2020 — my 13th tax season as a financial organizer / daily money manager — I find that working with a client to organize their tax documents and information can provide a great learning experience for both of us.* “Tax time?” you ask.  “Hasn’t that been put on hold?” Yes, but while July …

I Participated in Alzheimer’s Research: This is What it Was Like

Karen CaccavoCognitive Decline, Financial Organizing

On a hot and sticky August afternoon, I arrived for my appointment as a volunteer Alzheimer’s research participant at the Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research (NKI) in Orangeburg, NY. I was going to participate in NKI’s Memory Education and Research Initiative (MERI) Program, a study begun in 2003 to provide both evaluations to members of the community and …