It may seem early to be looking for signs of Spring . . .but Personal Money Manager™ has already made a siting: First at a client’s home, and later in my own mailbox–the first TY2024 tax documents have arrived! Maybe not as lovely as a crocus in bloom, the arrival of the first tax document has a special meaning for …
A Marathon, Not a Sprint
There’s something about getting to April 15 that makes us feel like runners bursting through the ribbon at the finish line. As a non-runner, I can only imagine that thrill. All victories — big or small –are always worth celebrating. What’s different at Personal Money Manager™ is that the work we do to get to the end …
Bundle Up
A chill in the air makes us want to bundle up. And not just with blankets and quilts (though I do love quilts!). Bundling is a simple technique to start adopting a new habit. At Personal Money Manager™ I’m often asked how to develop new routines and good organizing habits to avoid clutter build-up and the confusion it …
Taxes in the Rearview Mirror
Nearly one in eight American taxpayers file for a tax extension. That’s about 19 million taxpayers. Are you one of them? If so, be sure to put October 17 on your calendar. It’s your new tax day. I also suggest you keep plugging away now (and perhaps reaching out for assistance from a financial organizer / personal money manager) …
It’s Not Too Late to CARE(S)
The CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) changed the tax benefit of charitable giving in a big way. For the first time, you do not have to itemize to get a partial deduction for cash contributions. To encourage more charitable giving in 2020, single or joint filers could claim a $300 “above-the-line” write-off on their tax returns. …
Tax Time Lessons Learned
In the middle of tax time in 2020 — my 13th tax season as a financial organizer / daily money manager — I find that working with a client to organize their tax documents and information can provide a great learning experience for both of us.* “Tax time?” you ask. “Hasn’t that been put on hold?” Yes, but while July …
After Selling Your Home, the Paperwork Begins
You’ve sold your house, packed up, and the moving van is pulling out of the driveway – whew! But the tax-related paperwork associated with selling your home has just begun. While it’s fresh in your mind, get a head start now on gathering the papers you’ll need for next year’s tax return. No need to wait until April 15th! In …
Jump Into Your Taxes
Ready to take the leap? Start with setting up a 2017 Taxes file. Yes, you read that right. Start on next year’s taxes now! (Of course, have a bin ready for your 2016 tax documents as they arrive. Put it right next to where you put arriving mail.) While it’s tempting to stop there, I urge you to soldier on! …