What I do as a financial organizer

My First 100 Days as Your Financial Organizer

Karen CaccavoFinancial Organizing, Working with Clients

I’m often asked what I do as a financial organizer / daily money manager.  (Understand, first, that I am not a financial planner or advisor; I don’t work with your investments.)  So what should you or a family member of yours expect from working with me?  What is my role? Why does someone contact me for help? In short:  to …

I have too many books. What should I do?

“What Should I Do With All The Books?”

Karen Caccavodecluttering, Financial Organizing

I grew up in a home full of books.  My parents —  avid collectors — took us to book fairs the way other kids are taken to the zoo. But my real education in the book world occurred when my mother moved into assisted living and eventually passed away, leaving thousands of books behind.  I was left to figure out …

Assistance from a daily money manager can help seniors remain independent as they age.

What is a Daily Money Manager … and Why You Need to Know!

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Financial Organizing

Late payment notices, overdraft fees, missed deadlines, confusing medical bills–you don’t have to be a senior to encounter these unwelcome surprises in your mailbox.  While keeping up with paperwork is something people of all ages must do, it can be especially overwhelming for seniors and the disabled.  A trusted family member or friend can help, but people often do not …

Are there any bank accounts you've forgotten about? Any checks you never cashed? Check with your state's Unclaimed Funds -- you might be surprised.

Billions in Unclaimed Funds: is any of it Yours?

Karen CaccavoFinancial Organizing, Organize my finances

Here’s my best unclaimed funds experience as a financial organizer.  It was not an unusual first visit with a client who had contacted me to help manage her paperwork. What was unusual was the very first envelope I picked up from the pile of unopened mail.  Inside was a letter from a bank saying that if they didn’t hear from …

Daily Money Managers, Financial Organizers

Daily Money Managers: No Longer the Best-Kept Secret

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Financial Organizing, Paperwork Organizing

Daily Money Managers (and the important financial organizing work they do with clients) are in the news! In case you missed it, here’s a short roundup of what’s being said about DMMs with links to the complete articles. Last June, The Wall Street Journal quoted Personal Money ManagerSM in “When Aging Parents Need Help With Financial Tasks.” That article states: Daily …