Assistance from a daily money manager can help seniors remain independent as they age.

What is a Daily Money Manager … and Why You Need to Know!

Karen CaccavoDaily Money Managers, Financial Organizing

Late payment notices, overdraft fees, missed deadlines, confusing medical bills–you don’t have to be a senior to encounter these unwelcome surprises in your mailbox.  While keeping up with paperwork is something people of all ages must do, it can be especially overwhelming for seniors and the disabled.  A trusted family member or friend can help, but people often do not …

Paper-organizing is a big challenge. Here are tips for overcoming five of these challenges.

5 Paper-Organizing Challenges … and How to Overcome Them

Karen CaccavoPaperwork Organizing

In my 10 years of financial organizing / daily money management, I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to people’s attempts at paper-organizing.   Here are the top paper-organizing challenges that have tripped up my clients, and the solutions I have shared with them and helped them implement: No “landing strip” for your mail. One …